Freight Broker TMS Software for Faster, More Profitable Transportation Decisions


Watch our on-demand webinar with two career brokers, Jason Jokerst and Alex King, for tips to accelerate growth in freight brokerage.

Loads of Perspective Webinar - 3Gtms

An Intuitive, Centralized Load Management Workspace for All Brokerage Transactions 


Clearer visibility through exception-driven workflows

With the 3Gtms Visibility, you can gather data from internal and external sources, manage by exception, make decision faster and keep all parties informed.

More efficient carrier management

Improve efficiencies on all aspects of carrier on-boarding, contract management, carrier assignment & shipment execution, including carrier qualification, spot quoting, broadcast and waterfall tendering and status tracking.

Flexible self-configuration tools

3Gtms has a built-in self-service tool for the on-boarding of carriers, customers and supply chain partners, on your own schedule. User our templates  (whether for ERP or EDI data) to make on-boarding easier, less expensive & faster than ever.

Intuitive UI

Intuitive user experience

Our customers love the 3Gtms central load management workspace, which is unlike anything on the market. It significantly reduces manual work by allowing you to work via one screen that compiles all critical information, an automatic feed of DAT Rate Indexes, configurable screens and workflows, and more.


Easier connectivity via portals

Our fully configurable and customizable  portals break down old visibility barriers and enable communication with vendors, carriers and customers. Users can easily create routing requests, request routing instructions, get a freight quote and convert to a shipment, accept tenders, post available capacity, enter & review status tracking, and submit & review invoices.

Cost Saving

Flexible billing capabilities

3Gtms TMS software provides the most comprehensive rating and pricing management on the market, giving you ultimate pricing flexibility. You can pass-through or markup costs or be aggressive in your spot or contract pricing to win new business. Billing activities can be fully automated allowing your team to only deal with the exceptions.

Cost Saving

Comprehensive carrier on-boarding capabilities

Connect to DAT, RMIS, and other carrier onboarding and monitoring solutions to minimize risk and accelerate qualification of new carriers.


Work the spot market with ease

3Gtms gives you the ability to quickly post to Load Boards, solicit your network of carriers for spot bids, review historical lane pricing and evaluate current market rate conditions through seamless integration with our industry partners.


Simplify reporting & analysis

Our reporting tools make it much simpler to identify new opportunities for cost savings, enhanced profitability, process automation and efficiency. 3Gtms consolidates data from internal systems and external parties. Embedded operational reports and dashboards 

Unleash productivity

Achieve higher productivity without adding headcount

Our TMS system is also user-configurable, enabling you to tailor your screens to match your specific operations, easily adapt to support continuous improvement.


 Automate freight audit & payment

3Gtms freight audit & payment tools fully automate the process so you can manage by exception. You configure your match & audit rules and 3Gtms does the rest. Freight bills that fall outside your established thresholds are flagged as exceptions for rejection or investigation.

Self-Configuring Software to Streamline Tasks

Our TMS software is also user-configurable, so you can tailor its interface to match your specific operations and easily adapt for continuous improvement.

Choose 3Gtms TMS to grow your business and your profit margins – without adding headcount

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