Weseley Discusses the Need for TMS Creativity in DC Velocity

by | Jun 14, 2017 | Transportation Management

The fast-changing world of transportation is facing issues not thought of 15-20 years ago, when most TMS systems were designed. Today’s TMS needs to be fundamentally different, and enabling creativity is a key part of that.

In this DC Velocity article, 3Gtms CEO Mitch Weseley discusses the need for creative solutions to transportation challenges, and why the best TMS platforms enable flexibility that ultimately saves companies money.

Creativity is so important. Both shippers and 3PLs have more levers they can pull nowadays. You can’t look at all the options and manually figure it out. So a TMS frees people up to do the things that can’t be automated.

Read the full article, Keep Calm and Let the TMS Decide, at DC Velocity.

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