Talking Logistics: Top 5 Factors When Choosing a TMS

by | Nov 16, 2017 | Transportation Management

Our industry has gone through some significant changes in the last 10 years and we’re likely to go through even more thanks to factors like omni-channel, autonomous trucks and increasingly complex routing. The good news is that a transportation management system (TMS) can give you one of the strongest ROIs of any supply chain management software – if you can find the right one for your organization.

Selecting the best TMS system is one of the most important logistics decisions you’ll make because it will determine how you overcome today and tomorrow’s challenges. In this article for Talking Logistics, 3Gtms’ Chuck Fuerst examines five of the most important TMS factors to consider as you work through your selection decision.

• Short and long-term goals
• Technology and design
• Adaptability
• Cost of ownership
• Vendor fit

Choosing the right TMS software system comes down to demanding more than a “good enough” solution. Your system must be able to support and build upon your unique processes and approaches, no matter how they evolve.

Get the full details at Talking Logistics to work through these five factors in choosing a TMS system, build more confidence into your buying process and a bigger impact to your bottom line.

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