We are constantly connected to our phones and tablets, in part because they are intuitive and easy to use. Oftentimes, they’re actually a pleasant experience! The realization that we can enjoy technology – and not just muscle our way through some software or app – is changing expectations in the B2B world, too.

Transportation management system (TMS) providers haven’t been immune to this, and one of the best advances in the last several years have been TMSs that don’t require an engineering degree (or expensive vendor support hours) to manage.

At 3Gtms, we designed our TMS software for the logistics planner. To be sure, having an understanding of IT and software is helpful, but you don’t need to be an engineer to manage the TMS software.

Single-Platform Design to Streamline Work

Instead of multiple products on different platforms that require separate tools, our 3G-TM transportation management system is a single platform: one application, database and user interface. 

TMS Software Designed for Self-Configuration

Users can self-configure the TMS themselves, including setting up their own workflows and defining their own rules and processes. There are no hard-coded configurations that require you to buy a vendor’s time to make changes.

Our TMS System Automates and Calculates What Other Systems Don’t

Most TMS systems do an incomplete job of calculating the true cost of a shipment. Our 3G-TM system calculates savings and gross margins during the routing process (instead of after the route is completed) and it automatically adjusts savings based on dynamic factors (which most other TMSs can’t). With an algorithm that can calculate on the fly, the user is presented with multiple options to help inform the best decision for the company and customers.

Learn More

Explore 3Gtms case studieswhitepapers and more to learn more about our TMS system, our carrier partners, and how we can help you grow your business.

The best way to determine the usability of a TMS is to see it in action! Contact us for a complimentary consultation today.